Original handmade earrings created from the heart. xo
Beading is medicine
My name is Denise Przybylo. I am a proud mother and grandmother, currently living on the beautiful shores of Lake Erie (“erielhonan” the Iroquoian word for “long tail”).
I am of mixed heritage. Metis (Michif) and French on my mothers side, and Polish on my fathers.
As my siblings and I grew up, my mother shared her knowledge of our Metis (Michif) heritage, with many stories of how suppressed the culture was. It saddens me to know that so much was lost.
Through my beading journey I feel connected to my ancestral story. This connection feels so strong at times and it brings me so much peace and joy.
Each handmade piece is created by me from start to finish with love and memory.
For me, beading and creating is medicine.
Chi Miigwech xo